Article Spinner 2

The Syntax

With the Article Spinner 2 syntax you can specify synonyms for words or sentences.

This is a {simple|short|straight forward} example.

As you can see the synonyms are between { } and seperated by |.

If you would generate a text with the example from above you would get random sentences like this:

This is a simple example.

This is a short example.

This is a straight forward example.

You can use this Syntax in the title and text field in Article Spinner 2. You can also use this in nested Syntax to create more unique texts.

This is a {{very simple|simple}|short|straight forward} example.

Article Spinner 2 will highlight this nested Syntax with different colors.


Simple nested example


Article Spinner 2 synonyms help

Article Spinner 2 helps you to create fast sentences in the spinner syntax. If you highlight a word/some words/sentence you will get some example synonyms from the thesaurus or synonyms you used before. You can easily highlight one word with a double click on it. When you highlight a word you will see this word on the right side. Below are all matching synonyms.

Highlight example


Now you can just select the synonyms you like to use and they will automatically added in the spinner syntax. To select more than 1 synonym just hold the cmd key during selection. To add a your own synonym just write it in the box with the + on the left side and press return. The next time you highlight the same word you will see your added synonym in the list on the right side.

Synyonyms example



Generate the final texts

To generate the texts just press publish and select single article or multiple articles. If you select the simple Output you get the text/texts and can copy them to clipboard or save them as a file.

Generate Articles

If you press Merge Articles all articles will be displayed in one window and can saved in one file.

Article Output


Publish to WordPress blog

You need to activate xmlrpc (automatically activated since wordpress 3.5) and a useraccount with writing privileges. Add the URL to your Blog and the useraccount on the WordPress settings (WP-Blogs Icon). You can choose between draft and publish as post status. Then press Test connection to see if you can connect successfully and then press Add.Wordpress settingsSuccessfull connection

You can now select your WordPress blog to Generate Articles (Publis icon) and the post will be created in your WordPress blog.

Publish wordpress

Save and Open your articles

To save or Open your articles just press the Icons and select the files/filenames. You can also open recent files fast with File->Open recent in the menu bar.